Some can have their cake, and eat it too!

You can read between the lines of Dr. Bokhout’s letter, or we can guide you. This is a Medical Officer of Health, Acting, Huron now merged with Perth, who has long witnessed complaints of ill health and harm from residents. There is zero chance that he does not know, is not informed of the varieties of harm, from which possible sources, and that he has not received copious amounts of up to date information and research. Given this, read the letter below to Resident Carla Stachura, and see if you have the same level of astonishment as we. In the end, Dr Bokhout expresses that SOME INDIVIDUALS experience discomfort, and references the wonderful testimony of Dr Ben Johnson, IOWA, so he does KNOW, and urges Ms Stachura to possibly use the courts for redress. I know: shame.

From: Maarten Bokhout <mcbokhout@gmail.com>
To: Carla Stachura <>; Erica Clark <eclark@huroncounty.ca>
Sent: Monday, September 16, 2019, 11:14:02 PM EDT
Subject: possible adverse health effects from wind turbines

Dear Ms. Stachura,

I am responding to your email addressed to Dr. Erica Clark, dated August 29, 2019. I have reviewed your correspondence of August 14 and Rick Chappell’s May 15, 2018 response to the article “Altered Cortical and Subcortical…(etc)”.

I offer the following:

Your concern is that the wind turbines in your vicinity are noncompliant with MOE noise regulations. The noise is tonal. This is significant, as the foregoing article suggests that “infrasound near the hearing threshold may induce changes of neural activity across several brain regions, some of which…are regarded as key players in emotional and autonomic control “.

I am sympathetic to your ongoing concerns suggesting that there is a link between wind turbine noise and your (and your partner’s) health and wellbeing. In part, it was your persistence in notifying us at the health unit of your concerns that led me to seek approval for a study to try to determine whether or not there were particular health issues which could be linked to wind turbine activity. The study was approved but we were unable to attract enough participants to do a quantitative analysis of the data gathered. We will complete a descriptive analysis in the next month or so, but this will, unfortunately, not give us enough information to be able to state whether or not the presence of wind turbines have an adverse effect on the PUBLIC health.

There is enough anecdotal evidence to suggest that some INDIVIDUALS have trouble coping with the effects of active wind turbines (flicker, infrasound, possible stray electric currents). I note that the Madison county Board of Public Health recommends changes to the setbacks of FUTURE wind turbine projects.

Your best bet may be to seek redress in the courts. It is unfortunate that our study was not supported by enough residents of Huron County, some of which allegedly encouraged nonparticipation in the study…

Maarten Bokhout, MD, MOH

This letter to resident Carla Stachura, highly visible and capable spokesperson, impacted family member from Huron County, Ontario, shows Dr Bokhout’s lack of sincerity, his apparent willingness to obfuscate, and obvious misrepresentation of what he truly knows, or should know about industrial wind and the harm. Dr. Bokhout’s attempt to rally support for a “study” would have done nothing at all to assist the countless impacted persons in the County and Region. Many have written on why they declined again to be guinea pigs for another lengthy “study,” when an “investigation” is more suitable, and even that is too time consuming, given the horrific impacts to homes, health, livestock, pets, and economic well being. Again, why would residents choose to put the burden of proof upon themselves? There is enough world and local evidence proving harm.

We thank Dr. Bokhout for reminding residents that they may have legal recourse.

Please also note his reference to the newly minted cautions by the Madison County Board of Health. Clearly he has read the work of Dr. Ben Johnson, whose testimony certainly led to the Board’s decision to request larger setbacks. See excerpt below, Dr Johnson quoted on Master Resource.

Dr. Ben Johnson, Cardiologist, IOWA

Enter Iowa Cardiologist Dr. Ben Johnson, testifying pro bono on the meticulous research behind the “guidelines” recently provided by the World Health Organization (WHO).

WHO advocates a political and moral standard that encourages the burden of proof to fall upon those advocating for a possible challenge to impacts to health. The burden of proof has never rested with the industry: it has fallen on the victims of wind, and their advocates, to prove and test on their own homes, document health impacts for themselves, livestock, pets, and wildlife. Despite the magnitude of the complaints, the similarity, and the universal nature of the harm, the industry continues to provide “experts,” paid consultants whose shabby appearance of scientific endeavor continue to insult not only victims, but also the real science, and true advocates who provide clarity and conscience.

The Board of Health of Madison County, Iowa passed a resolution last week recommending a 1.5-mile setback to protect residences from wind turbine nuisances and harms.

Please also note in the link below, his notification of his intent to join the Liberal Party as a candidate.  One must question this action, since Dr. Bokhout would necessarily support Liberal policies including the build out of massive wind factories across the province, and the attendant policy of hiding the harm.  Hardly impartially representing his challenges to protect people.


                                Some can eat their cake and apparently ‘have’ it too.

Excerpt from the 2018 Annual Report, Huron County.

2018 Annual Report

Remarks from Dr. Bokhout, Acting MOH

It is a privilege for me to be working with this team of professionals who dedicate their time to finding ways to maintain and improve the health and wellbeing of all in Huron County. Below is a summary of their work and a few highlights.

After several years of meetings and negotiations, the Ministry of Health and Long-term Care and the Boards of Health of the Perth District and Huron County Health Units have agreed that amalgamation is in the best interest of all residents of both counties. Work on amalgamation continues and 2019 will be the final year of operation of the Huron County Health Unit. The work and innovation will continue as before, but their impact will benefit a population of 130,000. It will be an exciting change!

The past year also saw the completion of data collection for the wind turbine study, to attempt to quantify what possible health risks could be associated with this form of green energy generation. As it turned out, only enough data for a descriptive analysis (as opposed to a quantitative analysis) was generated. The final report will be complete in 2019.

The new Ontario Public Health Standards also came into effect in 2018. New emphasis was placed on mental health and health equity, and vision screening has now been given formal status. We are working with our community partners to identify and prioritize the areas where our health promotion efforts will benefit those who need it, and to operationalize the standards in their entirety.

Our work as a health unit succeeds only when we have the support of the community which we serve. Many formal and informal groups work with us to bring the health message to Huron County residents. My thanks go out to all those who work with us!

We look forward to continuing to work with you in identifying and reducing the health challenges which face us, whether new or persistent – health misinformation, climate change, reducing the burden of chronic disease – and to continue to build on what we have accomplished together in 2018.

Maarten Bokhout, MD, Acting MOH

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