News from Australia, where the wake up call is well under way
Tony Abbott has escalated his war on wind power
EXCLUSIVE: Tony Abbott has been warned he is putting international investment at risk after ordering the $10 billion Clean Energy Finance Corporation not to finance new wind power projects.
Clean Energy Finance Corporation directed by Government to stop funding wind farms
The $10 billion Clean Energy Finance Corporation (CEFC) has been told to stop investing in wind power projects, in a move the Federal Opposition has described as a “dramatic escalation” in the Government’s war on wind farms.
Coalition bans government’s clean energy bank from financing wind power
Trade minister confirms Clean Energy Finance Corporation will no longer invest in wind projects, but disputes report that Greg Hunt was outmaneuvered
Govt won’t fund new wind investment
Trade Minister Andrew Robb has told Sky News the government won’t fund investment in established wind power through the Clean Energy Finance Corporation, but denied there is any rift among ministers over the decision.