Category: Must Reads

Climate Change: Natural or Manmade?

About the Author Joe Fone has researched in depth contemporary tenets in the field of climatology in a freelance capacity over several years, alongside his role as an electronics technician and CAD designer for the...

Let Them Eat Carbon

Let Them Eat Carbon: The Price of Failing Climate Change Policies, and How Governments and Big Business Profit from Them Ordinary people are paying a ruinous price for the attempts politicians make to greenhouse...

The Wind Farm Scam

About the Author John Etherington was a Reader in Ecology at the University of Wales, Cardiff. Since his retirement from the University in 1990, he has devoted himself to researching the implications of intermittently...

The Deniers

About the Author LAWRENCE SOLOMON, a world-renowned environmentalist author and activist has been at the forefront of movements to stop nuclear power expansion and to save the world’s rainforests. He is a columnist with...

Climate Alarm Industry Exposed About the Author Jonathan Weiner is one of the most distinguished popular-science writers in the country: his books have won the Pulitzer Prize, the National Book Critics Circle Award, and the Los Angeles...